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Helpful Links

Most of these links were researched and/or shared with our friends, brethren; and similar links may also be found on other sites.

We hope you find these link to be of some inspiration and assistance to your Chapter’s success.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
— Winston Churchill

Links to inspiration or suggestions:

Sample KSA Petition | Application for Membership (use for inspiration) links:

research the Chapter websites as a source of Application Formats (sorry no direct links): Panama City, FL, Denver, CO,  Augusta, GA, Kansas City, MO, Raleigh, NC,  Guthrie, OK, Wilmington, NC, Alexandria, VA, Richmond, VA, Ocala, FL, Des Moines, IA, Minneapolis, MN, St Joseph, MO, New Bern, NC
Sample By-Laws created by other Chapters (use for inspiration)


Samples Constitutions (use for inspiration):

research these Chapter websites as a source for by-laws or constitution samples:
Colorado Springs, CO,  Raleigh, NC, Guthrie, OK, Corpus Christi, TX, Cheyenne, WY, Sheridan, WY


Links to Suppliers of Glengarry Caps and more

we do not endorse these vendors however, many others have found them helpful

Shared with us - to share with you! THANK YOU!

Click here for a page of interest you may find helpful - this page contains similar links and other helpful information 


The 2020 Knights of St. Andrew Gathering has been cancelled and hopefully rescheduled for 2021 - be safe!